Shiqing Xu’s Homepage     








Hi, I am currently a Research Fellow (since 2013) at the National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED) in Tsukuba, Japan, working with Dr. Eiichi Fukuyama. Before that I obtained my PhD at the University of Southern California (USC), under the supervision of Prof. Yehuda Ben-Zion.



I am interested in a wide range of research topics in earthquake physics, covering numerical simulations of dynamic rupture and seismic wave propagation, friction laws and rock mechanics, fault zone damage, earthquake nucleation, propagation and arrest, etc. My past and current collaborators include: Yehuda Ben-ZionJean-Paul AmpueroVladimir LyakhovskyEiichi FukuyamaEran BouchbinderChris SpiersFutoshi Yamashita, Kazuo Mizoguchi, Shigeru Takizawa, Hironori Kawakata, Zonghu Liao, Surendra SomalaHan Yue. More details about my research can be found in Research and Publications.